Photos of Paignton
Grid View-
"Aunt Pattie" Annie Patterson first wife of Sidney H Beard Circa. 1910 TOGA 0013
"Crowning of Josephine" hung in the Reception Hall O;ldway Mansion INTL 0017
11 Garfield Road Circa. 1950 STVW 0311
131 Torquay Road-Monplaisir College Circa. 1965 SKOL 0905
1902 Cricket Team Year: 1902 CRKT 0001
1934 Paignton Carnival Year: 1934 STVW 0145
1935 Winners Year: 1935 ROWG 0019
1st Co. Paignton Boys Brigade Year: 1925 CLUB 0005
1st Paignton Y.M.C.A. Scout Troop Circa. 1930 CLUB 0009
2 Modern Houses STVW 0125
53, 55, and 57 Torquay Road Circa. 1970 STVW 0259
77 Winner Street STVW 0449
A Ceiling in Oldway House INTL 0027
A Classroom Maris Convent SKOL 0217
A Classroom Marist Convent SKOL 0215
A Craft sales run by Fire Service at Queens Park fete Year: 1922 FIRE 0005
A floral decoration INTL 0057
A floral decoration INTL 0059
A floral decoration INTL 0061
A floral decoration INTL 0063
A floral decoration INTL 0065
A floral decoration INTL 0067
A Floral decoration for an event taking place at Oldway House INTL 0053
A Great Western omnibus service from Paignton to Torquay Circa. 1920 STVW 0237
A performance by the Paignton Amateur Dramatic Soc Year: 1925 SHOW 0055
A R Baker Optician and Chemist Circa. 1944 STVW 0247
A Room in Oldway House INTL 0021
A Room in Oldway House INTL 0023
A. E. Dey Grocer Circa. 1926 STVW 0423
Adelphi Road Circa. 1900 STVW 0121
Adephi road Circa. 1900 STVW 0121
Advertising post Card for Hadfields Chemical Guano Circa. 1920 FARM 0005
Aerial View of Oldway House Year: 1928 GRND 0021
Air training Corps Parade Year: 1939 WWII 0013
Allotments at junction Penwell Way and Dartmouth Road Circa. 1980 STVW 0161
American Ice Cream Parlour Year: 1999 STVW 0057
An Engraving of Mr Tucks Sweetshop in Fisher Street by Arthur G Wallis Circa. 1923 TOGA 0027
Another outing Year: 1930 WILL 0015
Army Group Photograph WWII 0011
Arthur Daisy Preston and Barbara Circa. 1920 TOGA 0031
Arthur G Wallis Circa. 1925 TOGA 0001
Arthur Hyde Dendy PERS 0003
August Bank Holiday Year: 1938 STVW 0203
August Bank Holiday Flood Year: 1938 STVW 0203
Avro 504 Flying above Paignton Beach Circa. 1920 AERO 1021
Avro 504 flying over Paignton Pier Circa. 1920 AERO 1003
Avro 504 Owned by The Cornwall Aviation Co. of St. Austel Circa. 1920 AERO 1015
Avro 504 sponsored by Daily Mail flying over Paignton green Circa. 1920 AERO 1007
Avro Anson Year: 1940 AERO 1013
B Section 58th Field Ambulance R.A.M.C. Year: 1915 ARMY 0037