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- Location: Paignton
1st Paignton Y.M.C.A. Scout Troop Circa. 1930 CLUB 0009
A performance by the Paignton Amateur Dramatic Soc Year: 1925 SHOW 0055
Advertising post Card for Hadfields Chemical Guano Circa. 1920 FARM 0005
Arthur G Wallis Circa. 1925 TOGA 0001
Avro 504 Flying above Paignton Beach Circa. 1920 AERO 1021
Avro 504 flying over Paignton Pier Circa. 1920 AERO 1003
Avro 504 Owned by The Cornwall Aviation Co. of St. Austel Circa. 1920 AERO 1015
Avro 504 sponsored by Daily Mail flying over Paignton green Circa. 1920 AERO 1007
Avro Anson Year: 1940 AERO 1013
Barcombe Hall in 1908 Year: 1908 TOGA 0015
Bleriot Type Monoplane Circa. 1920 AERO 1023
Bob Hooper and crew get some Hose Practice Year: 1956 FIRE 0011
Boys of the Village Year: 1910 CLUB 0025
Carnival 1950 Prize Winner Year: 1950 CARN 0063
Carnival Organisers CARN 0061
Carnival Queen CARN 0055
Carnival Queen Presentations CARN 0057
Carnival Queen Presentations CARN 0059
Cast and performers Year: 1951 CLUB 0017
Challenge Certificate Dog and Bitch Winners Year: 1970 CLUB 0041
Charles Patterson with daughter Janet Circa. 1960 SHOW 0049
Crowd at the Regatta Sports Circa. 1930 REGA 0019
Crowd Scene at the Regatta Sports Circa. 1930 REGA 0017
Crowning of Carnival Queen CARN 0053
Dramatic Scene from Merrie England Year: 1931 SHOW 0065
Entrance gate to South Sands opposite Torbay Road Circa. 1920 AERL 0003
Eric Chapman and friends Year: 1925 CHAP 0003
Female Staff of Standard Telephones and Cables Year: 1959 STAC 0001
Fire in Queens Park Stand Circa. 1990 STVW 0039
Fire in Queens Park Stand Circa. 1980 SWTVW 0043
Gymnastic Displayduring the 1930s Circa. 1934 CARN 0071
H Crispo Tr Our Ices Circa. 1950 CRIS 0001
Harbour and Pier AERL 0005
Hollacoombe Gas Works Year: 1947 AERL 0021
John Friend with Shetland Pony CARN 0051
Joyce Halford and Joan Widdecombe Year: 1938 REGA 0013
June Budd as Cinderella Circa. 1948 SHOW 0063
June Budd as the jewel in Aladdins cave Circa. 1994 SHOW 0059
Lavender Blue Carnival Entry CARN 0075
May Revels 1924 Year: 1924 SKOL 0107
Members of Women's Forces Year: 1946 CARN 0065
Mr F Layland Barratt thanks the electorate Year: 1900 EVNT 0001
N early biplane flying above Paignton Green Circa. 1914 AERO 1025
Oldway Mansion AERL 0015
Oldway Mansion AERL 0019
On the way to join the crowds at the Sports Event Year: 1931 REGA 0005
Opening of STC Factory Year: 1958 STAC 0003
Outside Radio Broadcast from Paignton Green Circa. 1935 REGA 0021
Paignton Scout Troop Year: 1925 CLUB 0007
Paignton Amateur Dramatic Society 1950 Year: 1950 SHOW 0061